Monday, September 17, 2012


"Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.' The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad...Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy, He who continually goes forth in weeping, bearing a seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bring his sheaves with him." -Psalm 126:1-3,5-6

Is it ever enough?? Can I be satisfied? To just be still and thankful for where I am. To look at what God has done and just praise him. To not ask for a thing and just basque in his greatness and beauty of the Lord. ~ He is all forever worthy of all honor, praise, glory and worship. His splendor is beyond any comparison…there is truly no one like my God!~ He is always faithful, never failing, always there, He inclines His ear to me, He answers, He has my best interest, speaks to me through His Holy word, is constant, is just, Holy, majestic, all-powerful, he is good, a consuming fire, a strong tower, My Father, my helper, my Best Friend, my Keeper, my love of my soul, never hurting always healing, holding me, walking with me, He covers me, forgives, gives me abounding mercy, He gives me abundant favor, loves me endlessly...He Is my Prince, Gives me supernatural peace, gives me strength when I feel broken, He gives me hope when I feel hopeless, Makes me smile, is my Light, is my life, my keeper, my Husband, the Seal upon my Heart, my confidence, my Shepard, keeps watch over me, He knows me intimately, He knows every thought, every need, He holds the World in His Hands, He created me in my Mother's womb, He knows every hair on my head, He believes in me, Smiles and cheers me on, He gives every perfect gift even undeserving at times, He is the overflow of my life, my Source, My Shelter, My Hiding Place, my Safe Place, my Deliverer, My counsellor, my comfort...I could go on and on...He is my rock. God is beyond amazing and is more than enough. He is more than enough for any believer no matter what life throws at you, (Philippians 4:13) you are a victor, a conqueror, (Romans 8) a Child of God, (2 Cor. 6:18), you are redeemed from the grave (1 Cor. 15) and you have an eternal inheritance no money or thing could replace!

"Do not sorrow, for the JOY of the Lord is your strength."- Nehemiah 8:10.

Jesus paid it all! He is the lamb that took our places...we don't have to sacrifice an animal for our sins to be forgiven; we don't need to strive for perfection-Jesus was it! He did it all. It is finished!! By faith we will move mountains, see miracles, heal, and be witnesses to the people of this earth. We have a mission. Let us not be misled or distracted because we couldn't get what we wanted, God didn't answer you fast enough, or because you're afraid of change. (2 Peter 3) God has the BEST for His children and for His lambs...don't lose heart, don't compromise or give in. (Ephesians 3) Give Him thanks, keep believing, hoping and persevering while you serve Him because everything in the earth is His anyway and He gives us multiple gifts daily! (1 Peter 4) Remember, the JOY of the LORD is your strength!!!

"Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us a Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." -2 Corinthians 5:5-8 <3

May you walk boldly with the Lord in steps of gratitude, and press on towards your heavenly goal. Let us enrich one another’s lives with truth, encouragement and wisdom. I pray for you all who read this and I hope that you are uplifted and blessed in the fullness of what the Lord God Almighty has for you in Jesus’ name! I love you all dear friends. <3

Listen to this song by Kristene Mueller...I pray it blesses you!

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[Image credit:]
[Image credit:]

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What are you living for???

This entry will be a thought provoking journal to say the least. I have been thinking about life, death, its cycles of growth, loss, love, joy, hopes, failures, dreams, faith, and heart-ache. There are seasons in life and depending on which season you are in (some may always think of this thought), you may or may not ask yourself what I challenge you to further engage: what are you living for??? 


I have experienced much loss in my life. My Dad passed away when I was a freshman in High School and it was one of the hardest experiences I had to go through. I got through the loss and this storm through walking with the Lord, through the support of family, my friends, and also with the valuable support of my church. I also have seen young people at my High School face death through sudden accidents, sickness, and other unfortunate reasons. In addition, my Grandparents on my Mother's side of the family and other relatives have gone on to be with the good Lord. I have seen life, death, healing and miracles. I know God is so real and loves ALL of His people. He created us, he loves us, he wants a relationship with us...not religion. A genuine relationship-that we DESIRE to read his Word, to talk with him in prayer and to fellowship with his people -who are the church. The church is not a building, but the body of Christ. During these seasons of ups, and downs I have been very thankful that I have had such love, and strong godly relationships in my life.

My question for you is: 
Are you living by going through the motions? Are you living for a bigger purpose than yourself-to further God's Kingdom? Are you a servant of the Lord in love? Do you live for a paycheck or salary? Do you live for family? Do you live for Friday nights and the anticipation of the weekend? Are you investing in the eternal or only earthly investments? What are you really living for??? 

On this earth, it is hard at times to think eternally or beyond what is seen but I can't help to think on the things in heaven, the new earth, the future of God's Kingdom, His everlasting reign, the eternal peace, joy, and love we will live in. No more tears, sorrow or sadness. Wow, what a thought. But for now, as always there is reality. We have a purpose here to accomplish and hopefully you are moving towards that goal or living out that God given purpose. 

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. "– 2 Corinthians 4:18

 It is not about us. As much as we want to think it is, it's not. It is all about the Father and the Son and giving honor to the King of Kings. In the culture and society we live in, the mind-frame is the opposite: Do what is best for YOU, climb the ladder for YOUR success, YOUR family, YOUR life...No, it is not about you, you, you. 

Yes, God desires us to have life abundantly and to the fullest (John 10:10) but those who have found the hidden treasure of the one TRUTH and have found that fulfilling life-giving Word of God, we DO live an overflowing life. Psalm 23 says, "You anoint my head with oil, my cup OVERFLOWS." Yes, it sure does! I am so beyond grateful, thankful, and blessed. 

I was meditating on the words in the Bible in Psalm 23 where is says, in verse 6 "...goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of my life.." 
I kept hearing it in a unique way, the Lord pointed out to me the word right before "goodness and mercy.." it says..." SURELY goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." <3 I just love that! It is FOR SURE! 

Not maybe, or possibly but the living Word of God says, "SURELY!" Sounds like a guarantee to me! David sounds very confident in this. It almost is worded as a promise. I love Gods word, His truth. It is inspiring, life giving and full of depth and richness. 

I hope you cling to the Word of God, His truth for your life and that you will live in purpose on purpose for His glory and that His GOODNESS will follow you! Be blessed today, I love you. May God get all of the glory and honor. 

Credits: [Photo:]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hello my name is Christina. I am a California native and have lived here my whole life. Yes, I guess you can consider me a "Cali Girl". Recently I graduated college and wanted to share some of things I have learned not only in life but spiritually I have grown so much. This blog is really to encourage & inspire others. I love writing music, singing and playing the acoustic guitar. I love the Lord with all of my heart and hope to share the things the wonderful and good Lord Jesus has done for me. <3 The reason I named this blog "Daughters & Sons of a King" is because if you believe in God the Father and that He came to the earth in the form of the Son Jesus, and if you BELIEVE in faith, then you are heirs to God and His Kingdom in eternity. That is the gospel of the Bible and belief of a Christ follower. If you have this in your heart, then YOU, who are so special.. are a child of God!! Isn't that amazing?! We are all Sons and Daughters of the Most High God in faith. We are truly royals!

It says in the Word of God

 " also like living stones; are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ...But you are a chosen people, a ROYAL priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were  not a people, but now you are a the people of God; once you had not recieved mercy, but now you have recieved mercy." - (1 Peter 2: 5, 9-10)

I am blessed by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and hope that if you do not yet know Him that the Holy Spirit will speak to you and that God will show you His power and glory.  I am beyond grateful and feel I need to share... One word for the day B.E.L.I.E.V.E

As a part of my graduation present I went to the beautiful Sydney, Australia. There, I traveled with one of my favorite people, my Aunt Cindy. We went to the Hillsong Conference & worshipped with over 20,000 people! We saw the Darling Harbor, went to Bondi Beach, Manly Beach, saw the famous Opera House, had dinner on the beach, went shopping, exploring and grew to love so many nice people there! So many friendly Aussies! I have to say we also learned some of the Australian sayings such as "its involved" (for ex: the tax is "involved" or aka "included"), "mind the gap", "flat white" (aka-coffee with milk) "keen" (adventurous), "heaps" (lots) and more!!! I had the most amazing time...we went the end of June mid July. The theme of the conference was "Cornerstone" how ironic-the scripture I JUST shared in 1 Peter 2 was the theme of the weekend, and was the main message! 

I can't wait to share more about what God is doing in my life and how amazing He is! 
Since I love music I want to share a song that is so inspiring and one of the songs we heard while at the events at All- phones Arena. It is one of my favorites and is called "Beneath the Waters."